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Explore Latvia

Visually captivating and content-inspiring material about Latvia and its values.

ppt, pdf formats

Why Latvia?

Presentation on Latvia as an inclusive, digitally advanced, and cost-efficient EU country.

ppt, pdf formats

Green energy

Presentation on Latvia as an innovation hub driving the transition to Green Energy.

ppt, pdf formats


Ideas shine brightest with the right audience

Discover how Latvia's community of creative and open-minded individuals, coupled with abundant resources and infrastructure, can ignite your ambitions and transform dreams into reality through innovation and endless business opportunities.

Mp4 format

Latvian automotive innovators

Supporting the FIA World Rally Championship (WRC) stage in Latvia, the video highlights technologies and talents that contribute to global progress - The Riga Motor Museum.

Mp4 format

Mapon – the champions choice

Supporting the FIA World Rally Championship (WRC) stage in Latvia, the video highlights technologies and talents that contribute to global progress - Mapon.

Mp4 format

MikroTik - the champions choice

Supporting the FIA World Rally Championship (WRC) stage in Latvia, the video highlights technologies and talents that contribute to global progress - Mikrotik.

Mp4 format

missionLatvia Investor

This video explores the advantages that make Latvia a launchpad for achieving investment goals.

MP4 Format

missionLatvia Values

Video on Latvian values and efforts to share our knowledge and talented people with the world.

MP4 Format

Why missions?

Video on mission approach, answering the most prevalent questions about missionLatvia and our ambitions.

MP4 Format


Business guide (.pdf)

Helpful guide to learn about the business opportunities with companies in Latvia.

PDF Format

Promo Banners & Roll-Ups

Latvia a runway for doers

Roll-up banner 1000x2450 cm what promotes Latvia as a top destination for startups, offering skilled talent, affordable living, and a supportive environment for entrepreneurs.

PDF format

Science, innovation, technology

Roll - up banner 85x206 cm showcasing Latvia's innovations "Science, innovation, technology " with QR code to the official website of Latvia -

PDF format



Explore Latvia

Visually captivating and content-inspiring material about Latvia and its values.

ppt, pdf formats